09. June 2021 · Comments Off on Cats and Cicadas · Categories: App Updates, Blogging, Mountain Woods Media · Tags: , , ,

cats and cicadasIf we were still building iOS apps, the next one would have been called “Cats and Cicadas” and even if it was a productivity app, we would still have managed to have a cat and a cicada lead users through it as mascots….somehow.  Maybe like Clippy in early MS Win95 days.

This week is peak Cicada Week here in Northern Kentucky.  It has been rainy and cool and so all of the windows are open.  Around 2 pm each day, the Cicada buzzing is loud and vibrant, almost deafening.  Have tried to work and write with music, without music, with podcasts going, without them, with the attic fan on, with the fan off….still the surging cicada pulse is slightly maddening.  It increases and decreases collectively in volume non-stop till dark.  They have been fascinating to watch crawl around this cycle..they have gotten in the car to chirp, the restaurants, they are in all of the trees.  Practically biblical in a 7 year locust kind of way.

Today, a stray Persian orange-y cat in need of a good brush showed up on the porch to hide from the rain and perhaps the cicada noise.  He/She rowrs through the door letting me know she has arrived.  Maybe hoping for a snack.  She curls up underneath the chair and starts to dose after we have a bit of a conversation through the screen door that she is not going to be allowed to come in the house.

A cicada flies on the porch and starts crawling around.  Kitty opens only one eye and glares at it.  Cicada leaves.

Circle of life.


P.S. if anyone knows this cat’s owner, dm us here info@

sleeping cat rowr  napping cat








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